Life is full of questions. Some are trivial, some more serious – and some tremendously important.
Many are searching for answers to the questions in life. But often the answers are not found because the wrong questions are asked. You are encouraged to read the following materials by clicking on the “View PDF” link or view the videos by clicking on the “View Video” link. You can print the PDF material to read at your leisure.
If you’re interested in speaking with someone to explore this further, please click on the “contact us” link.

Are We Unique In The Universe?
Is Earth just a speck of dust, drifting in a vast cosmic sea? Exploring evidence for intelligent design in the universe, this documentary reveals that our planet is far more than the product of time, chance, and random process. Through stunning computer animation, interviews with scientists, and spectacular photography you'll see startling evidence of a Creator's mind and plan. Narrated by John Rhys-Davis (The Lord of the Rings). Viewing time approximately 60 minutes. (You may be prompted to download Real Player if it is not installed on your computer to view this video.)

Can I Really Trust The Bible?
The primary issue in any religious discussion is the issue of authority. Most religions cite various points of authority, but the Christian trusts only one—the Bible. Why do we believe that it is the Word of God? What is the evidence that it is trustworthy? Can we stake eternity on its claims? The answers to these questions will affect the answers to all the other questions of life. The reliability of the Bible is central to our faith, and we learn of its trustworthiness in this booklet.

Did Christ Really Rise From The Dead?
No other single issue is more central to the Christian faith than the reality of Christ’s resurrection. If the resurrection could be disproved, it would destroy Christianity forever. Why do we believe that the resurrection is not a hoax? This study will explore the historical and biblical evidence that calls us to affirm the truth and the power of the statement by the apostle Paul: “Now is Christ risen from the dead.”

Do the Bible and the Book of Mormon Agree?
The Book of Mormon claims to be “a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible.” Both declare themselves to be ancient, historical, and reliable rules of faith—the very Word of God. Is there any basis for placing one’s faith in the Bible or the Book of Mormon? The answer has eternal consequences. Discover for yourself which of these books is worthy of being called “scripture” and which is worthy of your trust.

Does God Grade On A Curve? Passing Life’s Final Exam
A recent survey indicated that 76 percent of those who believe in an afterlife think they have a good chance of going to heaven. But on what basis do so many of us assume we will be welcomed into God’s presence? Is it because we are confident that there are a lot of people worse than ourselves? This booklet examines the mistaken idea that God will grade us on a curve and shows that there is only one way anyone will make it into heaven.

Is there hope in this life and after death?
God's Message of Hope is a 30 minute video about the message of the Bible. Rather than focusing on one part, and missing the whole, this presents the major events of the Bible in chronological order. You will get an overview of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. This will answer many questions: How did I get here? What is the meaning of life? How can I realize that meaning of life? Is there hope now and after death? What lies beyond the grave? How can I prepare to die?

How Can I Know There Is A God?
The atheist says there is no God. The agnostic is uncertain. How can we be sure that God exists? Is there evidence that calls us to faith in a God we cannot see or feel? The Bible claims that there is such evidence, and this study challenges us to examine that evidence. Once we are convinced that God exists, we have taken the first step necessary to knowing Him personally.

How Did Life Originate?
Did life originate through evolution as many Darwinists theorize, or was something else at work? Using computer animation, this gorgeously filmed documentary takes you inside a living cell to explore advanced mechanisms such as DNA that argue for a Creator/Designer. The incredible complexity of life at its microscopic level will leave you awestruck! (Viewing time approximately 60 minutes. You may be prompted to download Real Player if it is not installed on your computer to view this video.)

Is The Theory Of Evolution Creditable?
Did the universe and our solar system evolve out of the Big Bang? Can chemical compounds spontaneously evolve in life? Does evolutionism truly explain the great variety of life on Earth? A Question of Origins is visuallyrich production revealing strong evidence that the universe and all life were created by a supernatural being, and that the God of the Bible is that Creator. (Viewing time approximately 60 minutes.)

Is There A Right Or Wrong?
How do we resolve the difficult moral issues that separate our society? By being more tolerant and open-minded? Does it really matter what we believe about God, sexual choices, or the life of the unborn? Is truth relative? How can we survive in a sea of changing values? This booklet unmasks the dangers of moral relativism and makes a case for the biblical perspective that there are absolute standards of right and wrong—which God defines in His Word.

Reasons to Believe: What are the Evidences for the Christian Faith?
How can you be confident that the Christian faith is true? What are the converging lines of evidence for belief in the Christian faith? This booklet will present 10 main reasons why you can trust the evidences presented.

Religion Or Christ: What’s The Difference?
Though He was considered by many to be a religious leader, Jesus Christ found His strongest opposition from the religious leaders of His day. Why? What can we learn from Jesus’ confrontations with the Pharisees? This booklet will help us to see the significance of a relationship with Christ and the inadequacy of performance-based religion.

What Do You Believe God Requires of a Person to Enter Heaven?
Does it really matter what a person believes? Is it enough to just believe in God? Don’t all religions lead to heaven? Does God really require a person to believe certain things to enter heaven? What should a person believe? Exploring and acting on the answers from God’s Word—the Bible, will have eternal benefits!

What If It’s True? Examining Four Important Spiritual Questions
To an unbeliever, the claims of Christianity can sometimes sound too good to be true. This booklet was written for those who are searching for answers to life. Specifically, the booklet examines the following questions: “What if it’s true that Jesus is who He claimed to be?” “What if it’s true that the Bible has the answers to my questions?” “What if it’s true that the church is more than just hypocrites?” and “What if it’s true that the Creator cares for me?” It concludes by examining the all-important question, “If it’s true, what does it mean for me?”

What Is The Theme Of The Bible?
Is there a source of hope and help for us? Has God revealed a message to the human race? The HOPE is a dramatic motion picture presentation of God’s redemptive story as revealed in 36 Biblical events from Creation through the Second Coming of Christ. You get an overview of the whole Bible and how it all fits together. It includes some of the most beautiful cinematic presentations of the Bible ever filmed. (Viewing time approximately 80 minutes.)

Where Do We Go From Here? Life After Death
Death is one of those subjects that most of us don’t like to talk about. It makes us uneasy because we know we can’t prevent it. And it’s also a subject of concern if we don’t understand what happens after we die. In this booklet, we are given reason for hope—a hope rooted in the promise of Jesus that anyone who believes in Him will never perish but live forever. What does that mean? This booklet gives satisfying answers.

Who Is This Man Who Says He’s God?
In Matthew 16, Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Never did a question have such overwhelming implications. Never did a wrong answer to a question carry such eternal consequences. This booklet examines the evidence of the answer that expresses both the claims of the Bible and the claims of Christ Himself—the claim that He is indeed God in the flesh.

Why In The World Am I Here?
The book of Ecclesiastes looks at life from a different point of view than the rest of the Bible. In King Solomon’s struggles with the purpose of life, we see the inadequate answers that arose out of his own disappointments and failings. Eventually, however, he came to the right conclusion about the real meaning and purpose of life. This booklet explores Solomon’s dead-end answers and examines his final conclusion about the only way to live a truly fulfilling life.

Why Would A Good God Allow Suffering?
If God is all-powerful and always good, how can He allow the kinds of pain and suffering that people experience in our world? Disease, heartache, and natural disasters are all around us. Why does God allow these things to happen? Does He have a purpose in our suffering? This booklet offers help as it examines these important questions.
Booklet content material, images, and descriptions from RBC Ministries is copyrighted by RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan and used by permission. All rights reserved. Further distribution is prohibited without written permission from RBC Ministries.